So many times in the past, I have shared e-design projects that I have completed and have discussed how I go about completing virtual design boards. Since I am now moving into servicing local clients as well, I thought it would be fun to share a glimpse of what goes into meeting and presenting to clients, in person. Our first official time meeting is usually in their house, where we discuss the space and what the client would like to change. Before meeting, the client has already filled out the same form I give virtual clients. Having this information ahead of time helps me go into the initial meeting, knowing a little bit about the space and what they are looking for. {They don’t have to fill out the entire form, since most of the questions will be covered in person, such as the floor plan. But, seeing the space ahead of time gets the brain turning a bit faster for me! Also, it gives them an idea for what we will be discussing at the initial meeting, so they feel a bit more prepared themselves.} I bring along a bag filled with my tape measure, additional questions and graph paper to draw out the floor plan.